The campus has a kiosk set by Myanmar Posts and Telegraphs (MPT). Students and faculty can use the kiosk for all their postal needs. Two major banks - AYA Bank and KBZ Bank - have also installed automated teller machines (ATMs) for the convenience of the MIIT community. Several fridges provide refreshments to the students.

Faculty Residence II
There is a small, but well-equipped medical centre at MIIT to provide emergency attention and care to the students and faculty. The centre is operated by one doctor and two nurses during the official MIIT work timings. Apart from the required medical equipment, the centre also has two beds for temporarily tending to patients.
The medical centre usually takes care of ailments and injuries that require first-aid or immediate attention. When patients require more elaborate care, they are shifted to a full-fledged hospital nearby.
MIIT has arrangements with local government hospitals as well as with City Hospital, Mandalay so that patients who require attention for a complicated medical condition or procedure can be shifted there on an emergency basis.

Medical Centre

Sports Facilities.